Coffee Enemas

by Lawrence Wilson, MD
© June 2014, The Center For Development

“Coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines, but for the stimulation of the liver.” – Max Gerson, MD
While enemas may seem messy or uncomfortable, many clients report that the procedure is so helpful to calm them, stop some kinds of pain, release toxins, clear the head, and other things that they soon forget the inconvenience and don’t mind them at all.
General notes:
1. This procedure recommends using up to about 2-3 cups of water in the enema. You may use more, but in my experience, it is not necessary. If you cannot retain the enema well, start by using even less water.
2. Distilled water or Ice Age Glacial Spring Water are best for coffee enemas. Both of these are low-mineral waters that will absorb more of the coffee essence. If these are not available, one can use another spring water or carbon only filtered tap water for enemas.
3. Doing two coffee enemas, back to back, is extremely powerful. This is newer research (2012).
4. You may retain the enema more than 15 minutes, although I think that 30 minutes is plenty.
5. Use only up to 4 tablespoons of coffee daily, even if you do four enemas per day. Some people do not have to heed this warning, but others will be affected by using more than about 4 tablespoons of coffee daily. Dr. Gerson used much more, but times have changed a lot since he lived almost 100 years ago, and many bodies are more delicate today.


Here are some guidelines so that you will be warm and comfortable.
1. Body position. I suggest lying on your back when doing a coffee cleanse. Some people prefer to lie on their side, or they prefer the ‘doggie’ position – on your hands and knees.
The reasons for lying on your back are: a) it is relaxing, and b) you can do the Roy Masters meditation exercise while doing your coffee enema. This is not possible if you are on your side or in the “doggie” position on all fours.
2. Elevate the hips. If possible, position yourself so that your hips are slightly higher than your head. This is easy to accomplish by putting a towel under your hips or lifting up the feet of your massage table an inch or so with blocks.
The reason for this is that it will cause the coffee solution to run into your body, helping retain the enema. Also, intestinal gas will tend to move upward to the anal area and be released. The presence of gas is the main reason some people have difficulty holding the enema.
3. Location.
A) Many people enjoy just placing a towel or yoga mat on the floor of the bathroom to lie upon.
B) Some people can do their coffee cleanse in the bathtub, especially if you are not too tall.
C) Some people set up a cot or massage table to lie upon.
D) I learned to do coffee enemas in bed, spreading a towel or two on the bed to protect against spills.
E) Please do not do enemas in a yoga posture or some other strange position. It is best if you relax, and the best position for this is lying down.
F) An ingenious idea is to place a squarish piece of plywood across your bathtub to lie upon, perhaps covered with a cushion. This may be more comfortable than lying inside the tub. If you spill some coffee, it will flow harmlessly into the tub.
4. Red heat lamp. If possible, position a reddish heat lamp over your enema location. The heat and the light from this lamp are helpful.


* Buy a standard 2-quart enema bag, or an enema bucket. The bag should come with a hook or handle to hang up the bag. The bag or the bucket must also have a plastic hose, an enema tip, and a clamp on the hose.
Enema bags are sold at Target, Wal-Mart or many drug stores. If you cannot find one at a local store, you can buy a 2-quart enema bag or bucket inexpensively online. It should cost about $10.00 USD.
* Buy preferably some organic, dark roast, and perhaps Columbian regular coffee. This is best, although technically any coffee will work. It can be regular grind or flaked. Do not buy instant coffee and do not buy decaffeinated coffee. For maximum freshness, buy coffee beans and grind your own coffee, but this is not necessary. Store your coffee in the freezer for maximum freshness.
The lighter roast coffee, which is a lighter color, is more yin and not quite as good, although it may be easier to hold in the colon. It may also be less irritating if you have hemorrhoids.


Coffee can be prepared in the several ways: I have written in bold print the methods I think are best:
1. Boil with water for 13 minutes in a saucepan.
2. Use a standard coffeemaker.
3. Use a percolator. This is an older method and is not used much today.
4. The newer steam flash method.
5. The soak or non-boil method. This is more yin, so it is not quite as good. However, it is fast and perhaps better if you are traveling, for instance, as you do not need to boil the coffee.
Here are details about the methods of making the coffee.
1. The Boil For 13 Minutes Method.
Place about 1/3 of a cup of water in a saucepan. Preferably use distilled water or Ice Age glacial spring water, although any spring water or even a clean tap water will do.
Add about ½ to two tablespoons of coffee, and bring it to a boil. When you start doing coffee enemas, use much less coffee, to make sure you tolerate it well. For example, begin with just a half teaspoon of coffee and increase the amount when you are sure you tolerate it well.
Then work up to about one to two tablespoons of coffee.
When the water and coffee boils, turn down the burner and allow it to simmer for 12 to 13 minutes. Then turn off the burner, move the pan to a cool burner, and add about one full cup of water or a little more. Adding the room temperature water will cool down your coffee so it is the right temperature. You may make a larger quantity and use it for several enemas, although fresh is best.
To test the temperature of the water, place a finger in it. It should be a comfortably warm temperature. If the water is too hot or very cold, retaining the enema will be more difficult.
2 and 3. Using a Coffeemaker or Percolator.
These methods make a weaker coffee, so they waste some coffee and one must use more coffee. As with the first method, place about 1/2 cup or so of water in a coffee maker. However, use 1 teaspoon to 3 tablespoons of coffee and turn the machine on. When the coffee is ready, add at least one cup more water to cool the mixture to body temperature.
4. The newer instant steam flash method.
This method is used at Starbucks and elsewhere to make cappuccinos and other coffee beverages. Machines for home use are now sold as well. I have not experimented with them, but they should be okay.
5. The Soak Or Non-Boil Method.
Place one cup or more of ground coffee in a glass container. Add twice as much water as coffee to the container. Soak this overnight. Then store the liquid in the refrigerator.
When you want to do an enema, place about 2-4 tablespoons of this soaked liquid in your enema bag and add one and a half to two cups of warm water.
This method is not quite as good, as it is more yin and the coffee is weaker. However, if you do not have time to boil the coffee, or are traveling, for example, it is fast and does not require a coffeemaker.


a) First, remove the coffee grounds from the liquid, if needed. (If you use a coffee machine, it is done for you.) Two ways to remove the coffee grounds are decanting or filtrating. To decant, pour the coffee liquid slowly into your enema bag or enema bucket, and the grounds should stay behind.
Instead, you can strain the coffee liquid through a fine strainer or coffee filter paper into the clean enema bag or bucket. Keeping the coffee out of contact with a metal screen may be a little better.
b) If using an enema bag, screw on the top of the enema bag. Be sure the plastic hose is fastened tightly onto the enema bag and the thin enema tip is attached to the other end.
c) Remove any air from the enema tube. To do this, grasp, but do not close the clamp on the hose. Place the enema tip in the sink. Hold up the enema bag slightly above the tip until the water begins to flow out. As soon as it starts flowing, quickly close the clamp. This expels any air in the tube.
d) Lubricate the enema tip with a small amount of petroleum jelly, Vaseline, soap, olive oil, coconut oil, shaving cream or even Chapstick. Vaseline or petroleum jelly works very well but are a little greasy. (Note: Too much lubrication might cause the tip to fall out of the rectum, creating a mess. Experiment to see how much and what kind of lubrication is best for you).
e) If possible, have a bowel movement before doing your enema. This is not required, but it can make it much easier to retain the enema. If you have difficulty having a bowel movement:
– relax
– drink a lot of water
– rub the right calf area while sitting on the toilet
– sometimes rubbing and twisting the right pinky toe will cause a bowel movement.
– if this does not work, try eating 4 or 5 almonds, or perhaps some other food. I do not recommend fruit, fruit juice, or sweets, however.
– if none of these work, you can do a quick plain tap water enema to clean the colon before your coffee enema. Some people like to do several plain water enemas before they do a coffee enema to clean the colon. One plain water enema is ok. More than one will make the body more yin, which is not desirable.


A) Hanging the bag or bucket. With the clamp closed, place the enema bag on the floor next to you, or hang the bag or bucket about one to three feet above your abdomen.
B) Insert the tip gently and slowly. Aim it straight upwards from the legs, not at any angle. Twist or turn the enema tip gently as you insert it, as this can make it slide in much easier. Do this until it goes all the way in. The enema tip must go in at least two inches. Never leave it half way in – it will not work this way. There are two anal sphincters it must pass through, so the tip must be in this far.
C) Let the coffee go in. Open the clamp and hold or hang the enema bag above the abdomen. The coffee may take a few seconds to begin flowing. If it does not flow, you may gently squeeze the bag or the hose to get it to flow. If you develop a cramp as you are putting the coffee inside, close the hose clamp, turn from side to side and take a few deep breaths. The cramp will usually pass quickly.
D) Now relax. When all the liquid is inside, the bag will become flat. Close the clamp. You can leave the tube inserted, or remove it slowly.
NOTE: If you have intestinal gas, definitely leave the enema tip inside of you and leave the clamp open. The intestinal gas will tend to flow out through the enema tip. Otherwise, you will not be able to hold the enema.
Most people remain lying on the floor or on a mat. Some people get up from the floor and lie in bed with a towel under your mid-section to protect against leaks. However, do not walk around with the coffee inside.
This is an excellent time to do the Roy Masters meditation exercise!


* After 15 minutes or a little longer, go to the toilet and empty out the coffee solution. It is okay if some water remains inside. This usually means you are somewhat dehydrated. In this case, you need to drink more water, or a different kind of water. However, it is fine if no coffee comes out of you. Rubbing your abdomen and your right leg, calf area, while sitting on the toilet may help eliminate the water. * A bidet toilet attachment can be wonderful to quickly and thoroughly clean your bottom. It costs about $30 to $50. USD and provides a spray of water on your anal area while sitting on the toilet. It attaches easily and uses the water supply to the toilet. It either attaches to the toilet seat, or is a handheld sprayer unit. I prefer the units that attach to the toilet seat.
* Wash the enema bag or bucket, the tube and the tip thoroughly with soap and water, and hang them up to dry. It is not necessary to sterilize them.

Helpful hints

1. To retain the coffee for 15 minutes requires that you relax. Make sure the room is warm, and that you are comfortable. Wear a tee shirt, sweat shirt or bathrobe to keep warm or cover yourself up with a blanket. Perhaps put on some quiet music, meditate, breathe deeply, or even watch television or listen to the radio while you are doing your retention enema. Please do not get up and walk around.
2. To help keep the coffee in, you may place a washrag or small towel over the anal area. Most people find this unnecessary, but it will help if you have a weak anal sphincter.
3. If you have a lot of money, you can buy a colonic irrigation machine, or colon hydrotherapy machine that allows one to add coffee to an enema. Using the machine is a little cleaner because one need not empty it into the toilet. Instead, the enema tip on the machine is designed to allow the coffee to go in, and to allow the coffee to be expelled all while one lies down comfortably.
4. If intestinal gas is a problem, some stretching or bending exercises before the enema may eliminate the gas. In particular, lay down on your bed and pull both knees up to your chin to expel gas. You can also leave the enema tip inside you the entire 15-30 minutes with the clamp open. This allows gas and air to escape back into the enema bag. The bag must be at a higher level than your body and you will need to use a small strap around your thigh to keep the enema tube inside you so it does not fall out.
5. If the coffee enemas causes hypoglycemic symptoms such as dizziness, shaking or weakness, it is because a coffee enema may lower your blood sugar. If this happens to you, eat something just before or just after taking the enema. However, do not eat a lot before a coffee enema because it will make it harder to retain the enema.
6. It is helpful to have a bowel movement, even a small one, before your coffee enema. This is just to make it easier to retain the coffee for 15 minutes or so. To have a bowel movement first, in the morning, you may need to drink some warm water or eat a little snack. If this does not work, you may need to do a quick plain water enema to wash out the large intestine before you do your coffee retention enema. Some people do not find it necessary at all to have a bowel movement before doing their coffee enema.


You can do a coffee enema at any time of the day or night. If done close to bedtime, it might interfere with sleep, due to the effect of the caffeine. However, if one feels ill during the night with a headache, for example, you can do a coffee enema, after which some clients report being able to sleep through the night.


A time to reflect and do the Roy Masters meditation exercise. I strongly suggest doing the coffee enema lying on one’s back, except perhaps for a few minutes of lying on one’s right side to move the coffee mixture around the colon. Lying on one’s back for 15 to 30 minutes is the perfect time to practice the Roy Masters meditation exercise. Holding the coffee helps one remain quiet enough for the meditation, and actually enhances the meditation, as well. This is a wise use of time and a wonderful combination of therapies.
Massaging the colon. Check the location of your colon in an anatomy book. Rubbing the colon area may help break up deposits of impacted feces or even colonies of yeasts or parasites.
Red heat lamp therapy. While retaining your enema, you can shine a red heat lamp on your abdomen. If possible, suspend the lamp so that it is about 2 feet away and shines down on your abdomen or chest.


For therapy, do an enema at least daily, and up to about four times each day. Most everyone can use coffee enemas daily for at least 10 years to detoxify the liver and help heal the entire body.
Max Gerson’s protocol. Dr. Gerson, MD, who pioneered the use of the coffee enema for cancer patients, insisted upon the coffee enema 5 or 6 times daily, for at least two years. He also used three tablespoons of coffee in each enema. However, I find that today so many enemas and so much coffee is not needed or even helpful. This is especially true when the procedure is combined with a properly designed nutritional balancing program. For most people, one to four coffee enemas daily are excellent. If one does four daily, I suggest doing two enemas back-to-back in the morning, and two back-to-back again in the afternoon. This has the most powerful effect, yet is very safe.
However, begin with no more than 4 tablespoons of coffee daily. More than this can cause nervousness in some people. Others can handle up to a total of 6 or 8 tablespoons of coffee daily.


For best results, a program of coffee enemas should be carried on for at least a year, and preferably for much longer. Many people have continued to take them every day for 10 years or more without any problem what-soever. A good friend has used them continuously for more than 30 years as he suffers from a very chronic arthritic condition and continues to benefit from them. Not only has he had no ill effects from them that I can determine, but his health continues to improve.
Some health authorities warn that coffee enemas cause dependency and can damage the intestinal flora. However, I have seen NO negative effects from them if they are done properly.


In a general book of this nature, I cannot address every situation. If you are in doubt about the wisdom of coffee enemas consult a health professional. The next chapter discusses many cautions and contraindications of coffee enemas.

Chapter 6.

“A 1982 study by the National Research Council (NRC) showed that coffee enemas have the power to reduce systemic toxicity by up to 700 percent. This is because caffeine and other beneficial compounds found in coffee – when not consumed by mouth and therefore diluted by the digestive tract – work together to stimulate the liver directly to increase production of glutathione S-transferase (GST), a powerful detoxifying enzyme that binds with, and flushes out, toxins in the body.” Angela Doss


Abdominal pain. Coffee enemas are very safe when done correctly. If they give you abdominal pain or caffeine reactions, try lying on your RIGHT SIDE during your entire enema. Some clients report this works much better.
Allergic reaction to coffee. These are rare but they do occur occasionally. At times, a reaction is due to caffeine. In this case, try lying on your right side. If this is not helpful, then use less coffee. Rarely, someone reacts to a little mold in the coffee. In this case one may do better with bulletproof coffee ( Anal strictures. Coffee enemas are excellent provided the coffee will flow into the colon.
Appendicitis. I do not suggest coffee enemas if a person has lower right quadrant abdominal pain.
Babies. I do not have experience administering coffee enemas to babies. However, Max Gerson, MD describes a case of cancer in an 8 month old baby who underwent his entire treatment, including coffee enemas. There was no problem with the enemas in the baby.
Breastfeeding. Coffee enemas while breastfeeding appears to be perfectly safe.
Children. Coffee enemas can be done with children age 4 or older. Use half the amount of coffee and water or less for a child. Some children happily lie down on the floor and can do the enema exactly the same way as adults. Other younger children prefer to lie on their stomach on a bed, and a parent or helper inserts the coffee into the rectum and places a towel over the rectum to hold it in. Another towel or a bed pan can be placed underneath the child to catch any leaks. Use plenty of Vaseline or shaving cream on the enema tip to make it slide in easily. Children who do coffee enemas are able to use an adult sized enema tip, in my experience.
Colitis and Crohn’s Disease. This is not a contraindication for coffee enemas.
Colon or rectal cancer. Caution is required in case the colon is damaged, which could cause perforation. However, coffee enemas are extremely helpful for cancer. I suggest two to four coffee enemas daily for cancer.
Constipation. Coffee enemas are excellent to help clean out the colon. However, the cause of constipation should also be addressed. Common causes are not drinking enough water, drinking the wrong type of water, and improper diet.
Danger signals during a coffee enema. Expel the coffee at once if the pressure to release the enema becomes severe.
Dangers of mineral imbalances. In my experience, these do not occur. To be sure drink spring water only before and after your enema and take 3 to 6 600 mg capsules of kelp daily.
Diarrhea. Coffee enemas can be done when one has diarrhea, and may help correct it, depending on the cause.
Diverticulosis and diverticulitis. Coffee enemas are excellent to help clean out diverticuli.
Fecal incontinence. Coffee enemas are excellent. However, to retain the enema one must place a washcloth over the anal area or use a larger enema tip.
Fissures and fistulas. These are best resolved before doing coffee enemas.
Food poisoning. Coffee enemas are excellent to help relieve food poisoning.
Gas and bloating. Coffee enemas are fine, and often helpful.
Gastritis and ulcers. Coffee enemas are fine.
Gastrointestinal bleeding. This depends on the cause. However, the enemas are usually safe if done carefully.
Hemorrhoids. Mild hemorrhoids usually do not interfere with coffee enemas. More severe hemorrhoids can bleed and be painful, and may make coffee enemas difficult to do.
Irritable bowel syndrome. Coffee enemas can be done when one has irritable bowel syndrome.
Malabsorption syndromes including celiac disease. Coffee enemas are almost always helpful.
Meals. I suggest waiting at least one hour after a meal before doing a coffee enema. After an enema, one can eat a meal immediately.
Medications. Interactions with medical drugs are rare. Consult your doctor if you are unsure.
Menstruation. This should not interfere with coffee enemas in any way.
Nausea and vomiting. Coffee enemas are often excellent to reduce nausea and vomiting.
Overdoing coffee enemas. It is possible to overdo on coffee enemas. Do a maximum of 4 enemas per day. Coffee enemas are a powerful detoxification procedure. Always use common sense.
Parasites and yeast. Coffee enemas are excellent and can help expel parasites.
Pregnancy. Coffee enemas appear to be completely safe during pregnancy if you follow the procedure in the previous chapter.
Rectal Abscess. In general coffee enemas are very good.
Rectal prolapse. I suggest avoiding coffee enemas until the prolapse is corrected.
The elderly. So far, I have seen no problems administering coffee enemas to people in their 80s or even 90s.
Twist the enema tip as you insert it, as this can make it slide in much easier. After implanting the coffee in the rectum, place a rag or small towel tightly against the rectum to hold the coffee inside. For older children the procedure is the same as for adults.
Coffee enema danger. Ralph Moss reports that the US Office of Technology Assessment or OTA “cites the case of the two Seattle women who died following excessive enema use. Their deaths were attributed to fluid and electrolyte abnormalities. One took 10 to 12 coffee enemas in a single night and then continued at a rate of one per hour. The other took four daily. As OTA points out, ‘in both cases, the enemas were taken much more frequently than is recommended in the Gerson treatment.'”


1. The enema bucket or enema bag is too high. If the enema bucket or bag is hanging too high, the coffee solution will flow into your colon too quickly and you may not be able to hold it. It will go in, but then it may come back out, making a mess.
2. The enema bucket or bag is too low. The enema bag or bucket needs to be at least 2 1/2 feet above your body or the water wont flow in.
3. The coffee is too cold or too hot. If the coffee is not around body temperature, it will be hard to keep the coffee inside.
4. The tube or enema tip is not in far enough. If this happens, the coffee won’t go inside and it will be a mess. Insert the tube or tip at least 3 inches.
5. You are not relaxed enough. If you are tense, you may not be able to hold the coffee as well. Use your breath to relax your body.
6. The tube is not fastened securely to the bucket or bag. If you ignore this, it will cause a mess.
7. Trouble holding the enema. You may have some intestinal gas. Before doing your enema, try to expel the gas. One way to do this is to bend over at the waist or do some stretches to expel gas.
If the problem continues, leave the enema tip inside you with the clamp open during the entire time. This allows air and gas to escape back into the bag or bucket. The bag or bucket must be at a higher level than your body for this to work.
It may help to place a small pillow or rolled up towel under your buttocks so the water flows down hill into your colon.
If you lie on a bed or mat for your enema, another way to encourage the water and coffee to stay inside is to elevate the foot of the bed slightly with bed risers.
Be sure to breathe deeply and relax when a cramp comes. Occasional cramping is normal as the body moves bile, feces and toxins out of the liver and small intestine areas.
At times, using less water and/or less coffee will make the enema easier to retain. Or try the upgraded coffee. Be patient and experiment a little. Usually, the problem will subside with these suggestions.
8. Pain or discomfort in your abdomen after a coffee enema. Do reflexology on yourself. Rub your feet, especially the colon reflex areas and the small intestine area. For some reason, you must also rub the tops of the toes of the left foot. Usually this will relieve any discomfort.
9. Irritation of the anal area. Use more lubricant. If that doesn’t work try adding one or two tablespoons of aloe vera juice to the coffee liquid.
10. Coffee intolerance. Occasionally, a person cannot tolerate even a small amount of coffee. This can be due to:
a. Sensitivity to caffeine. In this case, try lying on your right side. If this does not work, begin with just a pinch of coffee and work up slowly as you can.
b. Rarely, a person cannot tolerate any caffeine at all, and cannot do coffee enemas for this reason. I do not recommend using decaffeinated coffee, because it is not that effective.
c. Sensitivity to mold on the coffee beans. If this is the case, switch to “upgraded coffee”.
d. Sensitivity to roasting chemicals. In this case, you will do better with a lighter roast coffee.
e. Sensitivity to rancid oils in the coffee. In this case, switch to a less oily coffee.

Chapter 7.

“In fact, there is hardly a region of the world where people did not discover or adapt the enema. It is more ubiquitous than the wheel. Enemas are found in world literature from Aristophanes to Shakespeare, Gulliver Travels to Peyton Place.” – Ralph W. Moss, PhD

MYTH #1. COFFEE DAMAGES THE FLORA IN THE COLON. No. In my experience of over 33 years, daily coffee enemas, even several per day, does not affect the flora in the colon in a negative way. It does not wash out the flora because the enema does not involve that much water. In fact, as mentioned earlier in this book, coffee enemas often improve the intestinal flora and help get rid of intestinal dysbiosis.

MYTH #2. COFFEE ENEMAS WASH MINERALS OUT OF THE BODY. No. In fact coffee enemas add minerals to the body. Coffee contains many minerals, including zinc, selenium, potassium and others.

MYTH #3. COFFEE ENEMAS CAUSE CONSTIPATION (FLACCID BOWEL). No. If one stops coffee enemas, it may take the body a few days to readjust. However, I have not seen coffee enemas cause constipation. In fact, by helping to heal the colon, coffee enemas can reduce constipation.

MYTH #4. COFFEE ENEMAS CAUSE ADDICTION. Very rarely. I have only seen one case in which a person developed an addiction to coffee by mouth and enemas. More often, a person enjoys the coffee enemas, and wants to continue them. This is not an addiction, however.

MYTH #5. COFFEE ENEMAS CAN PERFORATE THE COLON. I have never heard of this occurring.

MYTH #6. COFFEE ENEMAS CAN CAUSE INFECTIONS. While this is conceivable, I have never heard of it happening. Just be sure the enema bag and tubing are clean. It is not necessary to sterilize them.

MYTH #7. THE CAFFEINE IS HARMFUL. Taking a coffee enema causes a slight buzz in most people, but not an extreme reaction. The colon seems to protect the body from some of the effects of caffeine. The caffeine from the enema is easily removed from the body after the enema is completed. Roasting the coffee bean and boiling the coffee for 10-12 minutes somewhat reduces its caffeine content. Decaffeinated coffee does not work well in coffee enemas.

Chapter 8.

“When a comparable amount of caffeine was administered, the amount (and AUC ) of caffeine obtained from the coffee enema were about 3.5 times significantly less than those of the coffee consumed orally, despite having slightly but statistically faster.
In addition, a single administration of the coffee enema or the oral coffee consumption did not adversely affect systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate.”  Pharmacokinetics of Caffeine following a Single Administration of Coffee Enema versus Oral Coffee Consumption in Healthy Male Subjects
I find that just doing coffee enemas, without following a total health program, may not work well. This may be because the coffee enemas cause deep changes in body chemistry and the support of a total program is needed to reap the full benefits of the coffee enemas.
Those who just do coffee enemas, but continue with unhealthful lifestyles and poor quality diets, at times develop headaches, abdominal upset, anxiety or other symptoms. This is unfortunate because when this occurs a person usually decides that coffee enemas are “toxic”, or otherwise harmful. To avoid this, I suggest a more comprehensive healing program when one does coffee enemas.

Chapter 10.


The colon is also called the large intestine. It is located in the lower abdomen. The colon is a tube about 2 feet long that is shaped like an upside down U, as shown in the diagram below. It is built in segments that look something like little pouches.
The colon has a number of layers beginning with an inner mucosal lining. Outside of this is a layer of muscles that contract in a sequential or orderly fashion, one segment after the other, to move the food and feces along its length. This process is called peristalisis.
There is also an outer covering on the colon, and the entire structure is suspended in the abdomen by various ligaments. It has a rich blood supply, and blood vessels from the colon go directly to the liver, and not into the general blood circulation.
The colon also has some lymphatic tissue that drains certain poisons from the colon.

Functions of the colon.

These are:

1. It removes water and nutrients from the chyme, which is the semi-liquid mass of partially digested food that enters the colon.
2. It absorbs thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), cobalamin (B12), vitamin K and other vitamins that are made by the bacteria that live in the colon.
3. The colon is also a complex eliminative organ that prepares the non-nutritive part of the chyme for elimination.
4. The colon also protects the body from deadly poisons that may be produced in the intestines.


The colon is one of the most diseased organs of the body in many people today. Everyone needs to pay attention to this. The reasons are quite simple, and include:

1. Eating sweets, including all sugars, fruits and juices. These often feed yeasts and other pathological organisms.
2. Eating poor quality food, low in fiber and foods containing additives, preservatives, pesticides, and other chemicals that damage the intestines.
3. Improper eating habits such as eating on the run or too fast, eating in the car or not chewing thoroughly.
4. Low levels of digestive enzymes in the upper intestines. These cause partially digested proteins and starches to end up in the colon, where they either rot or ferment. This causes the production of extremely toxic chemicals such as skatol, indol, cadaverine and others. Most people know about these from their foul odors, gas and bloating, all of which is harmful.
5. Any use of antibiotics. These damage and often destroy the normal flora in the colon.
6. Use of many other medical drugs and over-the-counter remedies. Most of them are toxic to the intestinal tract to some degree.
7. Ignoring the call of nature to empty the bowels.
8. Hurried lifestyles, with fear and nervous tension. These negative emotions often affect the functioning of the colon.
9. Infections in the colon. Common ones include yeasts, parasites, bacteria and viruses.
10. Fruit eating and sugar eating are among the most important causes of colon problems today because it allows and encourages the growth of yeasts in the intestines. Also, fruit is extremely yin and this tends to expand the colon and slows its activity.


1. Colitis. This means inflammation of the colon. There are many kinds such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and mucus colitis. Diet and having the correct flora in the intestines are important to heal this condition. Drugs and surgery are not necessary if one follows a nutritional balancing program.
2. Irritable bowel syndrome. In this condition a person experiences alternating constipation and diarrhea. Pain or tenderness in the colon is also common. Correcting the diet and lifestyle usually takes care of this condition.
3. Diverticulitis. This is an inflammation and perhaps infection in one or more pockets that form in the large intestine. It usually goes away as the colon heals.
4. Bowel Obstruction. This is a very serious condition that usually requires surgery to remove the obstruction. It may be caused by a tumor or twisting of the intestine.
5. Prolapsed colon. In this condition, the transverse colon elongates and hangs down. This often is associated with constipation and other problems such as yeast or parasites in the colon.
6. Constipation. This is the most common problem in the colon and one of the most common conditions in the world. I find that correcting the diet and drinking enough pure spring water usually ends this problem. Adults generally need about 2 to 3 quarts of pure water daily.
7. Diarrhea. This occurs when food moves through the colon too fast. It is a common condition with a number of causes. One cause is an intestinal infection. Amazingly, many cases of chronic and long standing, diarrhea clears up when a person eliminates all wheat, fruit, and all sweets from the diet. One must also eat at least 3 cups of cooked, not raw, vegetables each day.
8. Cancer of the colon. This is a common form of cancer. I believe that most of it is easy to prevent by improving the diet and by using coffee enemas regularly.
9. Fissures and fistulas. Fissures are small tears in the skin or mucosa in the anal area. An infection in the area is usually present. These are fairly common and make taking coffee enemas difficult. They can usually be healed by a daily sitz bath with hot water and several cups of Epson salts. Fistulas are less common and are openings between the colon and usually the vagina or some other structure such as the bladder. They may heal themselves, or may require a surgical repair.
10. Strictures. This is a narrowing of a part of the colon, often due to adhesions, scarring or copper toxicity. Strictures may interfere with bowel movements, and with coffee enemas.
11. Hemorrhoids. These are dilated blood vessels that surround the anal area. They are very common and may bleed during bowel movements. If they are small, a nutritional balancing program will usually cause them to heal. If they are very large, doing coffee enemas is difficult. In these cases, laser surgery or galvanic treatment may be very helpful.

Chapter 11.

1. It takes loads of energy to detoxify the body.
2. Deep detoxification is not a fast process, no matter what anyone claims. It is quite involved and cannot occur haphazardly Many people claim they “got rid of their mercury”, for example, with chelation or a special diet. I would say they got rid of a little mercury with these methods because it often shows up later on hair mineral tests, indicating it was not removed very deeply.
3. Detoxify now, while you are young, even if your 70. This is because as a person grows older, the amount of etheric or life energy diminishes. As a result, as we age, there is less energy available for healing so it is harder to get well.
4. Use as many methods of detoxification as you can at one time, provided they are integrated. However, in many cases, the methods of detoxification conflict with each other and this negates some or all of their benefits.
5. Make the body more yang. This, in itself, is a powerful detoxification method today for most people because their bodies are too yin. The yang method of toxin removal is to contract the body, which literally squeezes out poisons. It is like ringing out your clothes to remove the water and soap.
6. Let go of negative thoughts and emotions such as fear, guilt, anger and victim hood. If you do not do this, you will tend to hold on to certain toxins in the body. For example, iron toxicity is associated with anger. As you let go of your anger and forgive people, it will help the body to remove toxic forms of iron. In this way, there is a close connection or correlation between emotions, thoughts, and toxic metals in the body.
7. Opening channels and meridians helps detoxification. This has more to do with techniques such as reflexology. However, it is very powerful.
8. To assist detoxification, support the eliminative organs. These are the liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, enzyme pancreas, and skin. Supporting and healing the liver and large intestine are among the main benefits of coffee enemas.
9. Balancing the mineral ratios greatly assists detoxification. This occurs for many reasons. Balancing the mineral levels and ratios in the hair (not the blood) optimizes enzyme activity, balances yin and yang, and mobilizes toxins for other reasons, as well.


Coffee enemas directly assist detoxification of the body in the following ways:

1. Mechanical cleansing of the colon. This not only can remove toxins, yeasts and parasites from the colon. It also reduces autointoxication of the body due to fermentation and putrefaction of partially digested food.
2. Increasing bile flow from the liver. It also increases detoxification by increasing the flow of pancreatic juice from the pancreas.
3. Cleansing of all the organs and tissues via the colon reflex system.
4. The oils in coffee, particularly when taken in an enema, are able to antidote or neutralize a wide variety of harmful vibrations. This unusual quality is well known in the field of homeopathy. The mechanism is not well understood. Coffee can neutralize not only physically related toxins, but also toxins related to mental, emotional, and spiritual functioning. This is a very powerful property of coffee that in not shared by other herbs or plants. It makes the coffee enema one of the most unique procedures available to us.
5. Holding a coffee enema tends to move energy downward through the body. This movement of energy tends to improve cellular detoxification and lymph drainage everywhere in the body.
6. Coffee seems to assist the activity of the Peyer’s patches. These are a very important part of the lymph system of the body that can drain toxins directly into the small intestine, bypassing the liver and kidneys. This is critical to remove certain toxins from the body that cannot easily be eliminated through the liver or kidneys.
7. Sympathetic nervous system activity inhibits detoxification. Coffee enemas also have a powerful calming effect on the sympathetic nervous system. This effect enhances detoxification significantly.
8. Many people are dehydrated, to some degree. Coffee enemas can help rehydrate a person, which in turn improves detoxification.
9. By helping to remove poisons from the liver, colon, and the lymph system, coffee enemas reduce the toxic load on the kidneys.
10. By enhancing bile flow, coffee enemas can significantly improve digestion and bowel function. This helps to reduce the production of harmful chemicals during the digestive process. In more technical terms, by improving digestion, coffee enemas reduce autointoxication.
11. Coffee is a very special herb. Not only can it neutralize a wide range of subtle toxins. It also has within it souls who are able to assist with a wide variety of healing tasks.
12. Caffeine and some alkaloids in coffee powerfully stimulate the movement of subtle energy in the body.
13. Coffee causes a yang contraction in the body that assists detoxification.

Chapter 12.

Coffee enema therapy often causes a phenomenon called retracing and healing reactions or purification reactions. Anyone who uses coffee enemas needs to understand these concepts very well to avoid nasty surprises.

Chapter 13.

From Lynn: “I just had my first coffee enema. UNBELIEVABLE. Just after the first session, I felt a sense of fresh air all over and my breathing was deeper. A constant pressure that I felt on my back at the location of the liver got immediately better. The racing thoughts were replaced with a quiet mind. I felt relaxed and a sense of peacefulness. I hadn’t sung in months; but I suddenly found myself singing. Doc, I felt so good that I wanted to have a second session immediately and had to restrain myself. I hope it is not addictive because now you couldn’t pay me to stop. It is quite effective!! The only thing is I am obviously very seriously dehydrated because a lot of it didn’t come out.”

“Clearing the head, easier to meditate, feel lighter, feel so much cleaner inside, reduce pain, reduce fever, reduce nausea.” These are just a few of the comments that I hear often from those who do daily coffee enemas.


Some nutritional balancing practitioners are hesitant to recommend coffee enemas because they fear their clients will react badly to the suggestion. Others do not do them, and are not aware of the benefits. Here I can only urge all practitioners not to be afraid to recommend coffee enemas, as they are most helpful.

Some practitioners tell me they do not recommend coffee enemas on the first or even the second office visit, so as not to overwhelm the clients with procedures. This is okay in most situations. However, some clients are definitely ready and needing to do coffee enemas quickly, so I would urge caution and base your recommendations upon the individual.

Some practitioners also report difficulty in getting their clients to do coffee enemas. This is common. I don’t have any magical suggestions to help “sell” the idea of coffee enemas. Among the simple things to do are:
1. Share this article with clients.
2. Share your own positive experiences and those of others.
3. Repeat the suggestion to do coffee enemas as you get to know your clients.


Coffee enemas, used in the Gerson, Kelley, and Gonzalez cancer therapies, produce physiological effects that aid liver function and detoxification. The coffee enema, a common medical treatment during the early 20th century, was included in The Merck Manual, a standard medical reference book, from 1899 to 1977. Like other enemas, this one induces peristalsis and promotes evacuation of the intestine; but compounds in coffee have additional effects.
Caffeine stimulates bile production in the liver and dilates the bile ducts. (Bile breaks down dietary fat and is a means by which the liver removes toxins.) The compounds kahweol and cafestol enhance glutathione S-transferase action. This detoxification system neutralizes a large variety of toxic compounds.
When mice eat green coffee beans as part of their diet, their glutathione S-transferase activity increases 600% in the liver and 700% in the small intestine, according to the National Research Council (Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer. National Academy Press; 1982:15-7,15-8). Roasted coffee has about 50% less glutathione-S-transferase stimulating effect than green coffee, according to research by Lam, Sparnins and Wattenberg (Cancer Res. 1982;42:1193-1198).
So why not just drink lots of coffee? Drinking coffee is, after all, associated with reduced hepatic injury and cirrhosis in humans. Coffee enemas appear to be a more efficient way to get the benefits without getting a caffeine buzz. Most people, even those who tend to get jittery from drinking coffee, report relaxation after a coffee enema.
Chemical compounds in the gut enter the blood, which then goes directly to the liver via the portal vein. Gar Hildenbrand, of Gerson Research Organization (San Diego, CAl, says: “Because the stimulating enema is retained for 15 minutes, and because all the blood in the body passes through the liver nearly every three minutes, these enemas represent a form of dialysis of blood across the gut wall.”
Dr. Max Gerson viewed the coffee enema’s detoxification activity as the reason that this treatment eases pain in many cancer patients. A clinical study performed by Dr. Peter Lechner and colleagues showed that coffee enemas, performed twice a day, “reduced the need for pain medications by 71.3%, 59%, and 22%- respectively in cancer patients with WHO cancer pain level 1 (n = 91, P < 0.001), level 2 (n = 68, P < 0.05) and level 3 (n= 19 not significant due to small sample).”
Anecdotal cases also suggest that coffee enemas can relieve migraine headaches. Doctors who recommend coffee enemas to their cancer patients view the enemas as an important part of their protocols. None of them, however, claim that coffee enemas cure cancer. People who choose to use coffee enemas to enhance liver detoxification and / or reduce pain should take the same precautions as in any enema: use an enema bag with appropriate lubricated nozzle to avoid damaging the rectum or bowel; thoroughly clean the equipment after each enema to avoid reintroducing pathogens to the colon; and do not perform too many enemas within a short time. (Wait at least 4 hours between enemas.)

Appendix III. Resources and Internet Videos About Coffee Enemas.

Videos. Youtube offers at least 6 home videos about doing coffee enemas. They range from the mild to the vulgar. They may offer some ideas on how to do coffee enemas. Most that I have seen recommend the Gerson method, which uses more coffee and more water than I recommend. Be careful about overdoing on coffee because too much causes jitteriness and can make holding the enema difficult.

Other enema equipment. Enema buckets, colon tubes and fancier enema equipment is available on the internet. Fleet enema bottles are sold at most drugstores.


Arai T. et al. Rectal burn caused by hot-water coffee enema. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2008 Nov; 68(5): 1008.

Atwood K. Science-Based Medicine, “The Ethics of “CAM” Trials: Gonzo (Part I)”. Accessed 11 July 2012.

Cassileth B. “Gerson regimen”. Oncology February 2010, 24 (2): 201.

“Colon Therapy”. American Cancer Society. 11 January 2008.

Eisele JW, Reay DT. Deaths related to coffee enemas. JAMA 1980 Oct 3; 244(14): 1608-9.

Enemas. The Merck Manual. 10th edition.

Ernst E. “Colonic irrigation and the theory of autointoxication: a triumph of ignorance over science”. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. (June 1997). 24 (4): 1968.

FDA, “Human Research Subject Protections Under Multiple Project Assurance (MPA) M-1356 and Federalwide Assurance FWA-2636”, 2002.

Gerson M., A Cancer Therapy; Results Of 50 Cases, 3rd edition, Totality Books, 1958.

Gerson M. The cure of advanced cancer by diet therapy: a summary of 30 years of clinical experimentation. Physiological Chemistry and Physics 1978; 10(5): 449-64.

Gerson C. (2001). The Gerson Therapy: The Amazing Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses.

Ginsberg MM, Thompson MA, Peter CR, et al., “Campylobacter sepsis associated with nutritional therapy in California”. MMWR 1981, 30:294-295.

Hildenbrand G. A Coffee Enema? Healing Newsletter, May-June 1986.

Jarvis W. T., National Council Against Healthcare Fraud, “Cancer Quackery”.

Keum B. et al. Proctocolitis caused by coffee enemas, American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010 Jan; 105(1): 229-30.

Lechner P, Hildenbrand G. A reply to Saul Green’s critique of the rationale for cancer treatment with coffee enemas and diet: Cafestol derived from beverage coffee increases bile production in rats; and coffee enemas and diet ameliorate human cancer pain in Stages I and II. Townsend Letter, May 1994.

Lee CJ et al. Coffee enema induced acute colitis. Korean Journal of Gastroenterology 2008 Oct; 42(4): 251-54.

Liver controls wasting in cancer

“Livingston-Wheeler Therapy”. Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center. 9 May 2011.

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Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, “About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products: Metabolic Therapies”.

Mitchell D. G., Coffee Enemas, Benefits and Risks,

Moss R.W., Coffee: The royal flush. The Cancer Chronicles. Autumn 1990. Available at: www. Accessed. November 11, 2009.

Moss R.W. “The Cancer Chronicles” 2nd ed. Austin, Texas: 1994. (67).

Muriel P., Arauz J., Coffee and liver diseases, Fitoterapia. Epub October 13, 2009.

Paran H., Butnaru G., Neufeld D., Magen A., Freund U. “Enema induced perforation of the rectum in chronically constipated patients”. Diseases of the colon and rectum (1999). 42 (12): 16091612.

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Teekachunhatean S. et al., Antioxidant effects after coffee enema or oral coffee consumption in healthy Thai male volunteers. Human & Experimental Toxicology 2012 Jul; 31(7): 643-51.

Teekachunhatean S. et al, Clinical Study: Pharmacokinetics of Caffeine following a Single Administration of Coffee Enema versus Oral Coffee Consumption in Healthy Male Subjects, ISRN Pharmacology, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 147238.
Disclaimer: The material presented here is for educational purposes only and not for the diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease. Dr. Wilson has a medical degree, and works as a nutrition consultant, not as a licensed medical doctor.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

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Disclaimer and disclosure: Nutritional Balancing Science and Hair Mineral Analysis do not diagnose, treat or cure any diseases, and are not substitutes for standard medical care. Susan Cachay is not a medical doctor. Nothing on this site is intended to discourage anyone from seeking or following the advice of a medical doctor. Cachay Lifestyle Consulting Inc. 

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