by nblifestyle | Jul 24, 2019 | Articles
Toxic Metals & Detoxification By Lawrence Wilson, MD© July 2014, The Center for DevelopmentToxic metals comprise a group of minerals that have no known function in the body and, in fact, are harmful. Today mankind is exposed to the highest levels of these metals...
by nblifestyle | Jul 24, 2019 | Articles
Diabetes By Lawrence Wilson, MD© June 2013, The Center for Development.Diabetes is an epidemic of vast proportions around the world. It costs millions of lives each year, and it costs many of the world’s nations billions in medical care and disability. Most of...
by nblifestyle | Jul 24, 2019 | Articles
ADD / ADHD by Lawrence Wilson, MD© December 2009, The Center For DevelopmentToday one out of every five children is diagnosed with a behavior or learning disorder. It is often a nightmarish experience for both parents and children. Also, the problem does not...
by nblifestyle | Jul 24, 2019 | Articles
Hypoglycemia by Lawrence Wilson, MD© July 2011, The Center For DevelopmentHypoglycemia is one of the most common nutritionally related health conditions today affecting millions of people. Yet it is often missed by doctors and not even considered a medical diagnostic...
by nblifestyle | Jul 24, 2019 | Articles
Metabolic Syndrome by Lawrence Wilson, MD© June 2014, The Center For DevelopmentMetabolic syndrome, also called Syndrome X, affects over 50 million Americans, or one out of six. It is even occurring in some children today. It is a set of risk factors and symptoms...
by nblifestyle | Jul 24, 2019 | Articles
MTHFR by Lawrence Wilson, MD© February 2014, The Center For DevelopmentMTHFR, CBS AND COMT DEFECTS AND NUTRITIONAL BALANCINGFolate or vitamin B9 is an essential vitamin. Among other functions, it is required to convert the toxic amino acid homocysteine into the vital...